I’d loved running since I started doing it in 2010, but
after my December 2016 marathon, which was miserable,
I was blistered, beaten down, and burned out. Now I’m in this weird running
purgatory. As of this writing, I’ve run seven times in 2017 and maybe one or
two times more than that since the marathon, and most of all that was walking
I knew it would take several weeks to heal from the physical
pounding of such an event, but I hadn’t imagined how long it might take to heal
mentally and emotionally. Knowing that it’s not uncommon for a runner to find herself
in a bit of a funk and needing a short break or recovery season doesn’t make it
easier to deal with.
But instead of worrying over it, I’ve spent the down time
lifting weights, developing a personal yoga practice, walking more, fighting zombies,
and hatching Pokémon. The Pokémon Go and Zombies, Run! apps got me through the
most mind-numbing miles or marathon training, and I have faith that they will help
me find the drive to run many more.
Competition is a great motivator, and sure, you can invite
friends or coworkers to challenges like logging the most steps per day on
FitBit, but that doesn’t interest me these days. I need more creative and
interactive fitness-driven games.
So I find myself absorbed in collecting a virtual zoo. In
addition to spawning wild monsters, the PoGo app spontaneously distributes eggs
to hatch into Pokémon, achieved by walking or slowly running 2K, 5K, or 10K,
depending on the egg, up to nine eggs at a time.
Zombies, Run! is an interactive, narrative audio game about
YOU saving the world from zombies, mad scientists, lions, and rogues all while
collecting supplies to expand, upgrade, and protect your virtual home base. The
writing is absolutely brilliant, and the cast of characters is delightfully
diverse, including many women and queers, with those identities being merely
incidental not integral to the plot itself. Each time, I can barely wait for my
next mission; the engaging story always has me wishing I could run more miles
or minutes to find out what happens next.
Combining North Texas’ bizarrely beautiful spring weather of
late, that Team Valor “gotta hatch ‘em all!” attitude, and the encroaching
apocalypse, I’ll find the joy of running again soon enough.