Thursday, June 2, 2016

June Journaling 1-2

I found a list of daily prompts for journaling in June and thought I'd give it a shot.

1. A step you have taken toward your goals:

I'd set my alarm so I could get up and run at 5 a.m. for Global Running Day, but I was sleeping so well when it sounded that I just turned it off. I woke nearly 2 hours later and still had time to run before work, so I threw on my gear and set out with a goal of running at least 4.5 miles in an hour.

I had to stop a lot because the volume on my Zombies, Run! missions was too low to hear, and the app kept stopping my music entirely. Even so, the weather was unseasonably cool and I enjoyed it.

I saw a man leaving his house with two dogs, and I slowed as I approached because they were unleashed. The big brown one looked to be a bully breed mutt (boxer and pitbull look) and came right up to greet me and ask for pats and leaned against my legs sweetly. I've found this is usually the case with big dogs; stop running and say hi. The little one jumped around excitedly too, and the owner said the little one was for sale as I fawned over the bigger one. "Thanks, but we have cats." He took them in the opposite direction for a walk, and I continued my run.

I was surprised with all my stops to log 4.85 miles total in about 65 minutes. The humidity had me totally covered in a sheen of sweat and dripping from my elbows as I ran. It felt good, though; I'd taken too long a break. It may have been just what I needed, though, to tackle marathon training with fresh enthusiasm.

2. Something good from last week:

  • I finished that damn triathlon.
  • We had a neat presentation at work from Camp Gladiator coaches and got free lunch, too.
  • My escort shift at the clinic on Friday was pleasant. I brought my big rainbow umbrella to block the protesters' view, and one woman extended her middle finger to them all the way as she walked up the steps to the clinic doors.

    The protesters call out to say that the crisis pregnancy center (link to exposé on another local CPC) a few doors down offers free pregnancy tests and sonograms. Somehow I doubt that people walking into an abortion clinic need a pregnancy test.

    You should know: families with small children come into the clinic EVERY DAY.

    At another volunteer shift, one escort told me that she'd seen a father come out with a fussy 18-month-old and quip that he hoped the tot was making the choice easier for others in the waiting room, because he was DEFINITELY making it easier for mom.

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