The Dash Down Greenville 5k takes place before the annual St. Patrick's Day parade and starts and end on the parade route. The announcer said that over 6,000 people registered for this year's race.
Yet AGAIN, Run Project only offered unisex t-shirts and yet again let me order an XS at registration but didn't ever provide any XS shirts. At early packet pickup, they didn't even have any youth larges but said there would be at race-day pickup.
I parked and walked about a mile to the start, loved walking in the street with traffic because the barricades for the parade forced it. I was indeed able to get a youth large shirt, and it fits me mostly well, except for the part where I have a decidedly mature bust.
The morning was cold and windy with the wind chill just barely above freezing. The course was unremarkable. I was there alone, so I was kind of bored with the whole thing. One runner passed me with Flogging Molly playing from a speaker in his backpack, and I wish I'd been able to keep up.
As much as they'd been talking up the free beer at the finish line, you'd think there would have been something more palatable than PBR. But the event raised over $16k for the NT Food Bank, so yay charity.
I won the Instagram contest and got a check for a hundred bucks. I think I was the only one who entered.
I thought about spending it on another Run Project race, but there's only one that promises women's shirts, and it's in July. Which is unbearably hot.
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