Got our costumes at class last night. Bleck.
Though I'm really pleased at how quickly I'm picking up the choreography and can't help thinking how amazing I'd be if I actually practiced like I said I would. Speaking of, I should probably finish choreographing that thing I intend to perform in two weeks. Hmm. And stop eating donuts while I'm at it. Hahaha. One of these might happen.
And oh yeah, I have to learn a line dance and a drum solo, too. Maybe I'm taking on too much. But the drum solo is short, and I am confident in my abilities to, um... dance purdy? *Shrug* It's a dark club and I'll be in the middle of a group of 9 in a color that stands out, so no pressure. I wish I weren't so blasé about this whole thing; it's just that I spend so much energy stressing over work that nothing else can make its way onto my list of concerns.
And there's nothing like a little deadline pressure to improve the quality of my work. I think it's more time efficient anyway to crank out a 10-page paper in one five hour session than to spend weeks researching, writing, and revising. I pulled off a 3.0 GPA with that M.O.
I'll be getting together with my classmates for a Sunday rehearsal at least.
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